I find the best way to cheer myself up on a cold and dreary rainy day is through clothes.It is often said that colour can influence our feelings and emotions so surely by combining this with great style and cut, it hits the jackpot?
Today i find myself in one of those moods: heavily influenced by the weather. The view out the window is grey and miserable, not a mood that i wish to stay in.
I turned a floral frilly-edged "granny style" tea dress temporarily into a skirt. Under that i tucked a cherry red drooped neck poloneck before covering the join with a Topshop white and red waist belt. Teaming it with black opaque tights and a polka dot, black and white swinging jacket cheered me up no end!
In fact, i loved the colour scheme so much i employed it in my lunch choice too: a cheese, ham and tomato toasted sandwich!
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Kisses, I wait for you!