It came to me quite suddenly: an almost obsession with making random lists in my head of anything and everything. From music I wanted to download to colours I wanted to paint my nails, Things that make me happy to things that piss me off.
In effort to control and organise these haphazard lists that never quite seemed to make it to pen and paper, I decided to start with a different approach.
One day, reminding myself that I had a blog which I had not written in for weeks a flashing lightbulb joyously appeared above my head. Why not, I thought to myself, Alphabetise and combine all my random lists! Each entry would start with a letter of the alphabet (preferably in order) and in it I would list and explain all the things I liked, music, clothes, hits and misses etc that started with that particular letter. Genius! Brilliant! I commended myself on the creative idea. Until I got to the letter “Z”.
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